Hello and welcome.
Today is my first day keeping this blog, and I've said goodbye to my high-level (all Alliance) WoW characters. To resist temptation, I created Gathunk on a completely different server from my usual one, so he'll be the only guy who pops up when I log in.
That won't be for at least a few days, though. Obviously I need to get started on myself before I get started on Gathunk, that's the whole point.
I missed breakfast today, which I know is not good. I've just remembered that I have bananas, which are a commute-friendly fruit and quite tasty. I need to wake up a little earlier and make a habit of eating something decent, so I don't snack all morning at work.
With that said, I really reigned in the snacking despite being hungry. I had a few saltine crackers, nothing on them, much to my regret. Some strawberry preserves are *awesome* on saltines.
For lunch, I am making a ceasar salad. Price Chopper has these excellent salad kits, which come with whatever greens, dressing, croutons, and assorted garnishes like parmesean or cheddar or salami, depending on which kit you're going with. I figure I'll use like half of the little pack of dressing and come out ahead of the game.
Might have to go to the gym later in the evening today, I have dinner plans with Vanessa. Eating out is something I need to curtail as well. No matter what you get when you're dining out, it's probably bad for you. I always thought I was getting away clean with Olive Garden's soup salad & breadstick combo. Seems light, right?
Apparently the salad is hideously fatty, the soups are loaded down with salt, and the breadsticks are so unhealthy that the numbers would make you dry heave. You just can't win with restaurants.
So it's day one and I've already nailed down a few things I need to change.
-Wake up earlier and eat breakfast.
- Eat out less.
- Research restaurants if I do plan to go.
Is there any amount of Frosted Flakes that could be considered healthy, or am I going to have to move away from cereal? I've tried those breakfast bars and they taste like well-seasoned cardboard. It looks like fruit might be my best option.
Today's weight: still 315.
Gathunk's level: 1
We're just getting started, right?
Here's what you do. A bowl of Kashi cereal with fresh blueberries and almond milk, a multivitamin and a cup of coffee for breakfast. Natural peanut butter, banana & honey on wheat for lunch. Whey protein blended with crushed ice and almond milk for a mid-afternoon snack. Big homemade tossed salad with squeezed lemon juice instead of dressing & whatever it is you want to eat for dinner (doesn't really matter so long as you're not eating like, a large pizza or something. Be sensible.) If you're hungry throughout the day, snack on almonds and/or veggie sticks. Drink water. A ton of water. At least a gallon a day. Once you weather the first couple days of your body convincing itself it NEEDS all the empty calories its used to consuming, you're made in the shade.